Examples Of Praise Words For Kids

It’s no secret that words have a significant impact on all human beings, but to our children, words of encouragement and praise can lead to achieving milestones and creating self-value. A compliment, a gesture, a facial expression, a simple hug, or a high-five can generate self-worth and pride in children. As children grow older, gaining approval from a parent becomes very important in their lives.

If you have read our article How To Effectively Praise Your Kids then you already know how to effectively praise your kids. Now, let’s take a look at the praise and encouragement sentences that are 100 % the right ones.

The following is a list of encouragement & praise words that can be used on three most common occasions.

Encouraging & Inspirational Words

You creatively solved this problem and achieved success.

Be proud of yourself.

Your effort makes a difference.

That’s a very creative answer.

I love the solution you’ve come up with.

Your unique solution nailed that question.

I can see that you’ve worked very hard putting them together.

You were so careful when you stacked the blocks and see how tall it is.

You had amazing focus when you were working on this project.

Words Of Encouragement For Making Good Decisions

That’s a very generous thing to do.

That’s very thoughtful of you.

You’re being such a good friend.

Thank you for thinking of your sister.

You make a difference in this.

I like your unique sense of style.

You have such a kind heart.

Your compassion for others is wonderful.

The ideas you came up with were very appropriate.

Words Of Encouragement In Times Of Struggle

It’s about how much you’ve learned, not how much you’ve won.

You had fun doing it! Winning is not the goal.

You’ve learned so much and you will be able to use this knowledge to improve your skills.

Other Lovely Encouragement Words

I love you just the way you are.

Not giving up and keep practicing every day are your best traits.

Winning or losing doesn’t define who you are. You do.

The reason for going to school is to learn, not just to do well in tests.

You have so much room to grow as long as you don’t give up.

Believe in yourself.

Source: Parenting For Brain

Here are 25 phases that you can use to increase confidence and self-esteem in your children:

You are capable.

That was brave. – Sometimes we need to let them know when we see them being brave. When we notice our kids being brave, they start to notice too.

You’ve got this.

I believe in you. – As the parent, you have faith in your child’s ability. When you openly communicate that faith in them it will inspire it within themselves.

You can do hard things.

No matter what happens, I love you. – Our children need to hear words that communicate unconditional love. That means providing reassurance of our love, regardless of the outcome.

Let’s try it together.

How’d you do that? – Ask questions. When you see them do something hard, say, “How did you manage that? How can you do it again?”

That sounds awesome, can you tell me more?

How can I help? – When they get really stuck, don’t be afraid to offer your support. Let them know that help them no matter what.

Give it your best.

I know it’s hard, but I have seen you do a harder stuff before.

You are enough. – It doesn’t matter what the outcome, they need to know they are enough just the way they are.

Even when we get frustrated, we still love each other.

You make me proud. – Straight and to the point. You can never tell your child this enough.

I wonder what would happen if…

Do you want to try something crazy? – Challenge your children with things they think are beyond reach. They might surprise you and themselves.

Sometimes new things can seem scary, but they can be exciting.

I know you tried your hardest and I am proud of that effort.

Sometimes we make mistakes, and that is how we learn.

How did you challenge yourself today? – Start the conversation about growing, changing and taking risks. With each challenge and accomplishment, the sense of self-esteem will grow.

You can do it. – Positive and most powerful affirmations. When we teach our children to use positive affirmations from an early age they will reap the benefits as they grow.

Source: Mother

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