Monitor Your Baby Using
Two Mobile Phones

Turn your phones into a baby monitor with Annie Baby Monitor app.

Annie Baby Monitor - Promo video phone wrapper
Annie Baby Monitor - Promo Video

Annie Baby Monitor
The Most Popular Monitor App

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Give your old devices a second life.

Turn your phone into a baby monitor.

Step 1 image

1. Install App on two phones

One will be a baby monitor and the other a baby camera.

2. Pair your phones

2. Pair your phones

Rewrite the numbers or scan the QR code to pair the phones.

3. Start monitoring

3. Start monitoring

Stay connected and never miss a single sound or movement.

Check our videotutorial

Check our videotutorial

Download Annie Baby Monitor app for iOS and Android devices.

One App for All Your Baby’s Needs

Keep an eye on your baby.
Anytime, anywhere.

Feature iconWatch over your little one

Watch your baby in real-time with a live video feed. With automatically enhanced visibility, you’ll see your baby even at night.

Feature iconHear and soothe your baby

Hear your baby and every sound from the nursery. Soothe your little one remotely through a two-way video and microphone.

Feature iconPlay lullaby for your baby

Soothe your baby to sleep with a wide range of lullabies and white noises. Select from over 15 lullabies and white noises.

Feature iconKeep track of baby’s routine

Log every feeding, diaper changes, sleep patterns, doctor visits, vaccinations, growth milestones and all memorable "firsts".

Feature iconKnow about every move

Turn on motion detection feature and be notified whenever your baby moves. The baby monitor app will alert you with a loud tone and red bells.

Feature iconMonitoring day and night

Annie Baby Monitor app automatically enhances the visibility when it’s too low, and provides you with a flashlight and night vision for additional enhancement.

1st TIP
2 Phone Baby Monitor App

Breathe a new life into a spare phone, tablet, or computer you have at home. There's no need for purchasing new baby monitor, as you already have everything you need to monitor your baby.

Tip 1
Tip 1
1st TIP
2 Phone Baby Monitor App

Breathe a new life into a spare phone, tablet, or computer you have at home. There's no need for purchasing new baby monitor, as you already have everything you need to monitor your baby.

Download App Now
2nd TIP
Travel Baby Monitor

Annie Baby Monitor is a must-have for parents traveling with a baby. This portable baby monitor utilizes WiFi and cellular data, providing unlimited range and reliable monitoring.

Tip 2
Tip 2
2nd TIP
Travel Baby Monitor

Annie Baby Monitor is a must-have for parents traveling with a baby. This portable baby monitor utilizes WiFi and cellular data, providing unlimited range and reliable monitoring.

Download App Now
3rd TIP
Baby Car Camera Solution

Monitor your baby in the car while driving. Discover unbeatable comfort and security, making every ride with your little one a worry-free experience.

Tip 3
Tip 3
3rd TIP
Baby Car Camera Solution

Monitor your baby in the car while driving. Discover unbeatable comfort and security, making every ride with your little one a worry-free experience.

Download App Now
4th TIP
Baby Tracker

Keep track of your baby's daily routine! Log every feeding, diaper changes, sleep patterns, growth, health issues, doctor visits, and all memorable "firsts".

Tip 4
Tip 4
4th TIP
Baby Tracker

Keep track of your baby's daily routine! Log every feeding, diaper changes, sleep patterns, growth, health issues, doctor visits, and all memorable "firsts".

Download App Now

All your devices.
One thrilling experience.

Try Annie Baby Monitor app free for 3 days.

  • iPhone, iPad, Mac, Apple Watch

  • All Android Devices

  • ONVIF and HomeKit cameras

User reviews

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I have been using this baby monitor since 2019 and I can honestly say it’s been a lifesaver. If I’m anywhere out of the house I have the ability to monitor both my babies sleeping on my phone. Thank you for your great work developers!

Lisa T.
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The biggest advantage here is that no matter where you are you can monitor your baby because it works thru internet connection. I love the night vision the most because now I have an overview of my baby at night too and I don't wake up him with harsh light. Also we love motion detection, now I can calm my baby before he wakes up. The best baby monitor app for me!

Count R.
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Wow, such a great helper and reliable baby monitor. I use Annie for couple of weeks and I can not say anything bad about it. What I like most is that I can leave older iPhone in the charger and connect to it anytime. It’s always ready to monitor like usual baby monitor.

Mike S.
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We have a full monitor set up in the baby room, but when the boy comes into bed with us, it’s so nice to have a solution that is easy to set up on the fly. Will look forward to traveling with this. Thanks!

Hayley M.
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Works great! Love it! Originally purchased when in a pinch late at night as a security cam to protect $15k of toys, tools and equipment in an unattached garage at my home after I happened to interrupt some thieves breaking in. Liked it so much I bought a year of service and it’s notified me handful of times to potential thieves trying to take my stuff (extremely high crime area). Also have used to give me advanced notification for when expected (or unexpected) visitors arrive. Used frequently for almost a year now w/ only a minor issue and to remedy the situation I had to close app on both devices and relaunch (which may not have been the app and could be the connection with the internet provider, cell provider or the old iPhone SE or the brand new latest iPhone I was using). Highly recommend.

Aarons A.
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I found out about this application from my parents. They are very loving grandparents to my kids so they are always trying to find some new way how to be better in grand-parenting. It honestly surprised me how easily they came along with this application. I would never think it’s gonna be them explaining to me how to use cell phone app! Not mentioning the convenience of it while the kids are asleep. Did I mention I have twins and they are always chatting in their beds? Even though they are not small babies anymore, it’s always handy to keep and eye on my little cheeky monkeys.

David T.

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Who Mentioned Us?

Annie Baby Monitor app in the media.

  • Daily Mom
  • Honest Mom
  • Parent Herald
  • The Baby sleep site
  • Babyphone-App: Einfach und sicher das schlafende Baby im Blick behalten
  • Mum central
  • Domestic Dad
  • Daddylicious
  • The joy filled mum
  • Mams at work
  • Mimibazar
  • Modrý koník
  • Experten testen
  • RTL
  • Make Use Of
  • Jablíčkář.cz
  • Letem světem Applem

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