11. 05. 2021
Baby’s Development – 5 Month Milestones

The baby’s motor skills are now developed significantly. If you have trained with your baby and paid attention to him, your efforts bring the first visible results. By the 5th month of development, the muscles of...

13. 04. 2021
Baby’s Development – 4 Month Old Milestones

This month, the baby is making the biggest progress. Baby gets acquainted with the environment and establishes closer contact with it. Baby shows his needs and desires and people around are beginning to understand the...

08. 04. 2021
Toys for the little ones (For 3-Month and Older Babies)

The best toy for the youngest babies is his mother. Also, do not forget that babies do not yet have fully developed eyesight, and therefore it is necessary to choose suitable toys that properly stimulate eyesight and...

23. 03. 2021
Baby’s Development – 3 Month Milestones

The period of the first year of life is called the infancy. At this time, the baby develops rapidly. Already in the third month of life, individual differences between children in behavior, experience and also in the...

11. 03. 2021
Baby’s Development – 2 Month Old Milestones

In addition to details about the psychomotor development of a baby, our overview of what happens in the first 12 months of a young person’s life also offers a lot of ideas to teach the little miracle. <<...

02. 03. 2021
Baby’s Development – One Month Milestones

Go to 2nd Month >> The transition from safety in the mother’s body to free space is a sudden change – the baby needs time to get used to it. It’s called a postpartum adaptation of a newborn. The...

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