Baby’s Development – 5 Month Milestones
- Created:
11. 5. 2021 - Updated:
4. 10. 2023
The baby’s motor skills are now developed significantly. If you have trained with your baby and paid attention to him, your efforts bring the first visible results.
By the 5th month of development, the muscles of the back and neck are already so strong that the baby, lying on his stomach, reaches for the toy he sees with both hands and plays with it. At the same time, his muscles help keep his head and chest raised.
Strengthened muscles allow the baby to actively turn from lying on his back to lying on stomach.
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This month of the baby’s life is also characterized by the fact that the baby grabs his foot with his hands and puts it in his mouth. When lying on the stomach, can pull one leg underbelly.
Developing the senses and perceptions through them allows the baby to better orient himself in his environment. Baby can reach for objects with certainty and manipulate them in various ways. This develops coordination between sight, hand, and movement.
During this period, the number of self-developing activities grows – the child finds more and more of them and plays in different ways.
TIP N.1: Developing toy ideas

Baby Games In Different Ways
Grasping the hand
Baby often and for a very long time plays with the hands. Baby grabs the other with one hand, touches his fingers, intertwines them.
Discovery of own body
As soon as the baby visually discovers his hands and later his feet, he will soon and carefully begin to touch the objects in his vicinity with his hands and feet. It is best to leave the baby without socks/naked. Each slowdown characterizes that the baby begins to control his movement.
Play mat & baby gym
If you hang a toy over the baby, baby brings his hand closer to it – the baby already controls the movement and tries to recognize the toy and its shape, size, position.
TIP N.3: Which baby play mat & gym too choose? Here is our solution!
By manipulating the various objects provided by you, the baby gains a number of different experiences. Baby gains other experiences thanks to his own independent activities in experiments. It is an active acquisition of experience.

This month is also characterized by the development of social relationships – the child establishes a very close relationship, especially with his mother and father. Baby distinguishes his loved ones and observes strangers very seriously. Baby begins to understand some gestures and facial expressions of loved ones.
Developing The Baby’s Movement Skills
1. The baby should learn to move his head in all directions in all positions. When lying on his stomach, he should watch objects moving at a height – above the level of the child’s eyes.
2. It is important for the baby’s development to practice turning around the axis by putting toys on his sides and out of his reach.
3. Exercising side muscles.
TIP N.3:
Tips For Activities With Baby
Games With Objects
Let the baby play with objects of different shapes, colors and sizes. These can be things you normally have in the household. Encourage the baby to manipulate objects in different ways. If the baby does a certain activity for too long, we will show him another way and let him play for a while. The baby can also be instructed to try to bang on the object with another object, such as hitting a cube on a table. You can give the baby a diaper, paper, plastic and let him play – this gives the baby experience with various materials.
Games With Hands
What can you do with your hands? Clap one hand on the other, clap with your mother, count your fingers, hide them in your palm and stretch, etc.
Games For The Development Of Speech, Social Relationships And Emotions
Narration. You talk with the baby for example about the activities you are doing together, what you have around you, what we plan to do, etc.
At about the 5th month of life, the baby learns to grunt, squeal, growl, clap or squeak. You can also begin to distinguish your baby’s vocal expressions. Repeat sounds similar to the sounds of the mother tongue after the child, but pronounce them as they are pronounced correctly in the mother tongue. You shouldn’t repeat other sounds after the baby, you can just smile at the baby to support him in his efforts. By humming, the baby learns to act on his surroundings intentionally.
TIP N.4: In this article you’ll find also good tips for 5th-month-old baby. For example, that morning time is the best time to spend time with your baby. Or that is good to play some music to the baby. Or how to give your baby some downtime.
Final Tip: Cherish the Priceless 5-Month Milestones with Annie Baby Monitor
Your baby’s 5-month milestone is worth cherishing, so we recommend the Annie Baby Monitor to help you capture these unforgettable moments.
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