Coronavirus in Babies: How to Protect Your Child Right Now
- Created:
24. 3. 2020 - Updated:
24. 3. 2020
The coronavirus is spreading across the world like wildfire.
More people are getting sick every day. And the frightening news isn’t helping our immune system either.
It is understandable that parents’ first concern would be to protect their child.
And we will show you exactly how to do that.
Disclaimer: All the advice and information we offer in this article are from reliable medical sources like KidsHealth, CDC, and Johns Hopkins Medicine.
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Children and babies are at lower risk
There is still not enough scientific research to say how, why and who gets sick with coronavirus.
But the statistics seem to show, that children are actually at LOWER risk of getting the COVID-19.
And the ones that do get sick have generally much milder infection.
This may be because their immune system is still so strong compared to the immune system of 60-years olds who are at the biggest risk.
However, this surely doesn’t mean there is no danger for babies and small children as they too need to follow some basic hygienic instructions.
This is to protect both themselves and the people around them.
How to protect your whole family
The very best thing you can do for yourself and your family is to stay at home and limit your social interactions.
If you have to leave the house (e.g. to go grocery shopping) keep a distance of 6 feet from everyone else.
Another thing you can do to help fight this virus is to disinfect frequently touched objects like doorknobs, light switches, remotes and so on.
If your child is old enough, teach them to:
- wash their hands for at least 20 seconds (they can sing the Alphabet song to help them track the needed time)
- not touch their face (especially, eyes, nose, and mouth) so often
- wash their hands after sneezing and coughing and always before eating
- wash their hands as soon as they come back in from the outside
- use paper tissues for sneezing and coughing (and then throw them away)
- stay calm and positive, as it is an important element of the immune system
How Annie can help to bring the family closer
There are little things we can all do to help each other through this difficult time.
And we at Annie Baby Monitor want to do our part.
As it is advised not to go outside and to isolate yourself from others it is possible that some family members won’t see each other for quite some time.
Especially older people like grandparents should truly stay in their own homes.
This can be especially saddening if there is a new little family member that is growing so fast!
With Annie Baby Monitor you can give the baby’s grandparents (and aunties and uncles) the possibility to see and interact with the little one.
Isn’t technology amazing?
Your mother could be looking at and talking to her grandchild while being safe in her own home.
And to encourage this, we have decided to …
give away 50 promo codes for Annie Baby Monitor
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We truly hope you and your family get through this time period healthy and as calm as possible.